PCC Research Incubator

About PCC research

Paediatric Critical Care Research (PCC Research) is an NIHR-supported Incubator led by Dr. Padmanabhan Ramnarayan (Ram), which aims to grow & nurture the next generation of paediatric critical care researchers.
The NIHR Incubators address areas where there is a need to build research capacity on a national level. NIHR provides some funding to enable key stakeholders to identify the barriers that exist and to suggest and implement, where possible, solutions to building research capacity in a sustainable and meaningful way.
This initiative aims to encourage early career interest in target disciplines to build identifiable communities through networking and provision of bespoke training and development support. Incubators are virtual, managed across multiple sites and organised by discipline. They provide targeted high level career development support, led by experts in the field and supported by the NIHR. Incubators are bespoke to meet the needs of each area and are developing at different paces.
Group medical

Mission, Aim & Scope

Our Mission is “To Grow & Nurture Paediatric Critical Care Researchers”
Our Aim is to create a diverse and inclusive Paediatric Critical Care Research community, set in a nurturing ecosystem enabling increased training in and uptake of paediatric critical care research.

Our Scope is to reach & inspire personnel working in Paediatric Critical Care & Paediatric Intensive Care Units across the UK, all research experience levels (and none) welcome. PCC Staff may encompass medical, nursing, allied health professionals, pharmacists, biomedical engineers, dietitians, trial managers, research delivery staff, ect. Still unsure if this is you? Please feel free to drop us a line at PCCResearch@imperial.ac.uk. We’d love to hear from you.

Meet the Team

The PCC Research Incubator is led by Dr. Padmanabhan Ramnarayan and the co-leads, Dr. Sofia Cuevas-Asturias, Prof. Mark Peters,  Prof Lyvonne Tume, Dr. Julie Menzies and Dr. Hari Krishnan. Programme delivery is supported by a dedicated project manager, Dr Silvia Giampieri. 

The PCC Research leadership team is also ably supported & advised by a diverse steering group of researchers,  clinical academics & Patient Voices  spread across the UK. 
Dr. Padmanabhan Ramnarayan

Dr. Padmanabhan Ramnarayan

Reader in Paediatric
Critical care

Prof. Lyvonne Tume

Prof. Lyvonne

Professor in Critical Care

Dr. Hari Krishnan

Dr. Hari

Consultant Paediatric

Dr. Julie Menzies

Dr. Julie

Nurse Researcher
Paediatric Critical Care

Prof. Mark Peters

Prof. Mark

Professor of Paediatric
Intensive Care

Dr. Sofia Cuevas-Asturias

Dr. Sofia

Research Fellow &
Paediatric Intensivist

Dr Silvia Giampieri

Dr Silvia

Project Manager

Want to know more? Please get in touch by e-mailing:

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